other stuff

I’ve been blessed with a wonderfully varied design career over the past 10 years. I’ve created and launched commercial campaigns at Ad Agencies, designed several Brands and Styleguids for various industries and helped startup’s online and offline with their brand.






I selected a few projects that you won’t find on my website.

WQP – White Paper
Design  ·  Print  ·  Infographics

immowelt – Poster
Design  ·  Print  ·  Infographics
amidori (now endori)
Design  ·  Print  ·  Online  ·  Packaging  ·  Social Media  ·  Banner

Thalia – Campaign
Design  ·  Print  ·  Campaign  ·  Book Fair  ·  Advertising

BackGround – Branding
Design  ·  Print  ·  Stationery  ·  Logo  



Design   ·  Online  ·  Landingpage  ·  Print ·  Banner

Design  ·  Logo  ·  Branding



Brodie Builders
Design  ·  Redesign  ·  Web  



Xmas Card
Design  ·  Print  ·  Illustration
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